Are you getting ready to get on a plane and take a much-needed vacation? We have a checklist of all the things that you can’t do without on your vacation. Make sure you have these 8 essentials before you take off:

1. All-in-one travel kit: This little kit will contain all your toiletries - shampoo, sunscreen, perfume, tissue, and the bare essentials of your makeup – lipstick, lip balm, compact and an eyeliner.

Travel Essential 1

2. A scarf: Carry or wear a beautiful, warm scarf that not only looks classy, but can be your friend if you’re traveling up to some place cold.

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3. A good book or books: Carry at least a couple of books because whether you’re travelling up to the mountains or somewhere with a beach, a book will be your companion when you’re not out sightseeing or socializing.

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4. A good book or books: Carry at least a couple of books because whether you’re travelling up to the mountains or somewhere with a beach, a book will be your companion when you’re not out sightseeing or socializing.

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5. Charger or power bank – You’re never alone with a phone except when you have no charge in your phone! So don’t forget you charger or keep a fully charged power bank handy.

Travel essential 5

Have a happy and safe journey! 


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